Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Start

We walked in the front door and knew this was it: the house that would be home. 1220 square feet, open downstairs layout, and a big yard that combines for a lot of livable indoor-outdoor space for community.

We won't move in until July, but we're excited!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


We had an adult-only outing this week - and mid-week at that! Edgar and Nicolette hosted the family at the Philly restaurant Gayle, where Edgar is one of the chefs. It was a meal unlike any other we've had before: a five course chef's tasting menu paired with wine and champagne, and it was delicious.

Recounting the dishes will not do them justice, but it may allow me to savor them all over again . . .

1) Tomato soda w/fried shrimp (served in a shot glass w/shrimp balanced on top)
2) Gayle Chowder or Gayle Minestrone
3) Lobster potato roll w/lavender and lemon cream or Sweetbreads with lemon and chestnut
4) Ocean Trout w/romaine puree and red onion marshmallow or Tuna w/risotto cake topped with leeks
5) Venison with Cherry Clafoutis and Brussel Sprouts or Filet Mignon with petite Shepard's Pie (both with grilled fois gras)
6) Farmer's Cheese Cheddar with paprika honey
7) Pear Hazelnut Souffle or Cheesecake with bourbon cherries and graham

Everything was exquisite, save for one venison interpretation that I (Kristen) didn't care for - but Dain thought was "minerally". This is the best shot I got of one of the plates (ocean trout) and, admittedly, it does not do justice!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

PA Update

Having survived evening distractions of the World Series and the election, I decided to finally give an update on "life on PA" for all our well-suffering family and friends who must, by now, figured we did move to Mars.

A few anecdotes from making our acquaintance with PA:

On our first Saturday in the county, we observed what Dain assures me need happen no more than once a year: we visited the Green Dragon - part flea market, part farmer's market, mass of humanity. Since we arrived at lunch time, we zoned in on a food stand to purchase a sub. The menu board was about as tightly configured as you can get: "Cherry Coke, Sprite, Diet Coke, Jesus Never Fails, Mountain Dew, Cream Soda". I asked Dain what kind of flavor that was? What can I say - I'm new to the area. Another shocker? The entire meatball (homemade) sub cost about $3.50.

While we anticipated some adjustments, others we didn't - like how bored Sabine gets on walks! Seems endless fields, a barn, and the occasional car are not quite as entertaining as the people watching in Harvard Square. Fortunately for her, parks here come with ducks! Well, at least one does.

Honestly though, as grateful as we are for the opportunity to live with Dain's family, it makes for a bit of a surreal transition. We've moved, but not yet. Consequently, we feel pretty disconnected from the city we are looking forward to living in - since we are about 20 minutes away. That is, 20 miles away.

We are embarking on finding a church home and inadvertently went to the "old folks" service at the first Presbyterian church we attended. They arrived by schoolbus from surrounding retirement communities. Apparently, most young families attend the earlier morning service and poor Sabine was all by herself for the nursery. Last Sunday was much better as we attended an interesting Episcopalian church. I'm sure we'll write more about our journey to find a church home.

Halloween was our only socializing yet, and Dain won best male costume! More about that in a minute, but first to relay Sabine's first Halloween experience. The night before (procrastinating, yes) we went to Old NAvy in a desperate bid to find a costume - and we were in luck! Sabine's cheeks made for the perfect accompaniment to her little pink mousy belly. When we tried it on her in the store, she kinda toppled (LOL), but didn't seem to mind it at all on Halloween. After dinner, we heard the doorbell ring and scrambled to stuff her in her outfit for her first "trick or treat" offering. After the 2 little pirates promptly took off after the obligatory "thanks", we took up residence on the front stoop awaiting the next visitors...and waited and waited as they went up the street before coming back down. Sabine loved it, since she got to take all the candy out and put it back in (sometimes).

But back to us - we went to a party hosted by Dain's cousin. Dain had the brilliant idea to go as Tobias Funke from Arrested Development; I attempted Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, but thought too little, too late about it and came off more as a scary dead bride. Fortunately, Sabine was already in bed. But the party was fun and terrifically organized - they even had a 4 part scavenger hunt.

And so goes the adventure. Dain is wrapping up his final seminary correspondance course and I'm in my third week at work. But those I'll save for later posts...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shamrock Revisited

Lions and their Manes
Originally uploaded by dainkristen
Kristen, Sabine, and I are moving to Lancaster PA next week. People have been asking how I feel about moving home. The feelings are mixed only because it has not been my home since 1997. We are moving there as adults after spending our entire married life in Boston/Cambridge. I know we will miss the great friends we have made here, but we look forward to what God has for us in Lancaster (hopefully a job and new house)!

So it is back to the Shamrock for secondsy Thanksgiving grub! We look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

While the boy is away, the girls will play...

Dain left at 7:15am to catch a NYC bus to visit our friend, Nate.  Meanwhile, Sabine and I plotted what trouble we could get into.  First up on my list was digging something out of the ONE closet in our apartment (man, I won't miss that!), which inevitably requires a complete re-haul.  Sabine was less inclined than usual to take the requisite nap (read: mommy access closet time), but finally went down around 9:20am.  Here I am at 10:30am, realizing my window for a carefree shower is quickly expiring, and I've dug out and re-stacked the closet only to discover that the target items are not in the box I maneuvered to the front - but may very well be in the box that I relocated to the far rear of the closet, thinking "I won't need to access this until we move".  At this point, I'm taking a break to contemplate my options: cut my losses; move everything again without assurance that the objects are actually in that box; wait for Sabine to wake up to double-check that what I was looking for all along is not, actually, already in some hidden corner of my DRESSER!  I think I'll choose option #3.

11am Update:  I couldn't stand it, so I dove back in and Yes, was right to do so. Now the closet is re-packed, Sabine is still sleeping and I'm off to find a snack.

After Sabine woke up and ate her lunch, we decided to walk to Porter Square to return a Redbox DVD and get cash for our pennies.  Why I decided to do this 2 hour walk in th
e heat of the day, I'm unsure.  But we stopped to swing along the way and when we finally did make it back, we both took a cat nap (30min).  Then it was out again to go get ice cream and swing by the library before coming home for dinner and bed.  Christina's is still featuring my favorite "fresh mint" flavor, which reminds me of  the mint that grew up around our outdoor facet every year.  Sabine liked it too, as you can see.

Not much else to tell of the day, except a picture of the princess surrounded by her now lowered (and therefore novel) exersaucer.